Assyrian American Society of Las Vegas (AASLV) is proud to announce that it is conducting its first Assyrian Language Contest. Here are the rules and guidelines of this contest:
The objectives of this contest: To promote and encourage advancement of the Assyrian language in Bet-Nahrain (present-day Iraq).
Focus: Short story (fiction or non-fiction), book review, essay, and research work.
Language: All entries must be in Assyrian (also known as Syriac with Eastern dialect; Neo Aramaic; Assyrian Aramaic, or Lishana Swadaya) language.
Topics: any topic in Assyrian art, history, science, literature, politics, commerce, and sports at any period.
Length: Not more than 10 pages.
For Manuscript Submissions: Manuscripts should be typed or legibly written. They should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a brief biography of the author, including publishing history. They should have 1 margin (all sides), and show the name and address of the author. Use standard font, size 12. Do not fax manuscripts. You may e-mail manuscripts or post mail to the addresses listed below. Please provide us with as many means of contact or communication as possible (your address, e-mail, phone number, or fax number as available).
Multiple Submissions: Are not accepted.
Eligibility for participation: Any person who is currently living in Bet-Nahrain (present-day Iraq). The entries will be judged without any regard for the age, gender, race, creed, socio-economic status, and religion.
Deadline to submit: December 31, 2004, at 12:00 a.m. (Pacific time). Entries must be SENT by this time. In case of questions or disputes over an entry's receipt, the time stamp of the e-mail message (or postmark on the hardcopy packages) containing the official entry will determine if the entry meets the deadline.
Minimum number of entries: A minimum of 10 entries must be received by AASLV in order this contest becomes effective. However, AASLV at its own sole discretion may reduce the minimum number of entries.
Evaluation: The judges, who are selected at the discretion of AASLV, consider the following factors in judging your writing: clarity, style, vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and cadence. AASLV highly recommends that you place the mark ZOE-AA on each word to differentiate the vowel sound or accent and to facilitate the spelling.
Previously Published Manuscripts: Are not accepted.
Copyright: All materials submitted to AASLV become property of AASLV. In other words, the authors assign the copyright to their material to AASLV who would have the right to publish the material in any manner including on the Internet.
When the winners will be announced?: On February 28, 2005
Prizes: First place will receive $1000.00; second place will receive $500.00; and the third place will receive $250.00. AASLV will make every effort to deliver the payment to the winners; however, the winners are untimely responsible to provide AASLV with the necessary information for delivery of the prize. Prizes will be paid in U.S. currency, or in gold and silver coin when and if mutually agreeable arrangements can be made between contest donors and winners.
Questions: For additional guidance about the contest, Please e-mail us at AASLV@COX.NET or write to the submission address listed above.
May the material be jointly authored? Yes with the understanding that prize will be equally divided between the authors.
Applicable law: The laws of USA and the State of Nevada shall govern the legality of this contest. This contest and its prizes shall be void if there are any federal or Nevada state laws that prohibit such a contest.
Taxes: All taxes associated with the receipt of any prize are the sole responsibility of the winners.
Modifications: AASLV reserves its right to modify these rules and guidelines at any time.
Miscellaneous: Winners may forfeit prizes if AASLV is unable to contact them within 30 days of first-attempted notification, or if after reasonable attempts are made, notification is unsuccessful. In such event, prizes may be awarded to alternate winners. Prizes are not transferable. No substitution of prizes by winners. By submitting their entries, entrants agree to be bound by the terms of these contest rules and by the decisions of AASLV and the judges, which are final non-appeal able and binding on all matters pertaining to this contest. Parent or legal guardian of potential winners under age 18 will be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability/Publicity Release within 30 days following the date of the first attempted notification. Winners will by submitting their entries have assigned all rights (including copyrights) in the winning entries to AASLV. Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of prize and award to alternate winners. Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused or claimed to be caused by participation in this contest or use or redemption of prizes. AASLV is not responsible for any typographical or other error in any publication concerning the contest, the administration of the contest, or in the announcement of the prizes.